Grow and Show and 10th year anniversary weekend

A collaboration between the Tattenhall garden Society and TAA saw the village horticultural show being held at our allotments site for the very first time. It was a highly successful day which attracted a lot of villagers. The marquee was full of fine exhibits and we even had a scarecrow competition. Well done to CharlieContinue reading “Grow and Show and 10th year anniversary weekend”

Bat boxes

Ian MacDonald has built us two bat boxes which Martin Chalk has installed in the orchard. Bats play an important role in many different environments such as wetlands, woodlands and farmland. Bats are pollinators and seed spreaders as well as helping to control pests by eating nocturnal insects. Watch out bloodsucking mosquitoes! Their droppings areContinue reading “Bat boxes”

Work party to mend rabbit fencing

We have had an invasion of badgers! They burrowed their way under the rabbit fencing and have destroyed a lot of sweetcorn. We took action by arranging a work party one Saturday morning in order to restore the fencing. Everyone made sure they adhered to the social distancing rules.

Compost arrival

We managed to locate some very well-rotted box muck and one Saturday morning a tractor and trailer delivered 30 tons to site. Everyone has been busy filling up wheelbarrows and topping up their plots ready for the season ahead.