A view from above

We think you’ll agree that the allotments are looking splendid as you can see from this drone image, taken by Charlotte Thompson, TAA member. Thank you to everyone for all your efforts and particular thanks to our wonderful mowing team who transform the allotment site into a place so welcoming not only to members, but the wider community.

Happy plotting!

A Blazing November Work-Party

Ahead of bonfire night the November work-party had to include a roaring fire and an opportunity to make jacket potatoes!

With allotment grown potatoes wrapped in foil and placed on the bonfire a team of workers were tasked with cutting back the overgrown shrubs and willow in the pond to create more natural light. Allowing the water levels to increase after the long summer drought and hopefully attracting wildlife back to the pond.

As the pond hadn’t been touched for a couple of years it was noticeably dry and overgrown and clearing it would have been a harder task without the help of Rohan Southward who was doing much of the heavy lifting.

Ro will be helping the allotments over the next few months as he completes volunteering hours towards his Duke of Edinburgh – bronze award. If you see Rohan on site don’t forget to say hello and thank him for his help.

The pruning of the willow was also well-timed for a local Tattenhall resident who was building a natural hedge and was only too willing and grateful to collect the neat bundles of sticks from the allotment site.

Apple Pressing Oct-22

Olly, Hardy, Max, Sam and Teo hard at work

With so many apple trees growing in the village Tattenhall Allotments were inspired to organise their first apple pressing event.

On what turned out to be a beautiful autumnal day the local community (and plot holders) were asked to collect, wash and bring their apples to the allotment site so that they could experience for themselves the natural process of juicing.

The barbecue was also available throughout the day to provide food which added to the cheerful and friendly atmosphere.

Some of the visitors saw the pretty surroundings of the allotment site for the first time, and several commented on how well kept it looked.

Furthermore, everyone involved in the event said how much they had enjoyed the day and we’re looking forward to returning next year!

A special thank you to Transition-Chester who kindly loaned the apple-juicer to TAA for the event.

Break-in at the allotments…

During the early hours of this week Tattenhall allotments had a new visitor. Bonny the Badger was spotted sniffing around a plot growing sweetcorn which will soon be fully ripe.  No doubt Bonny is eagerly anticipating its delicious sugary taste!

The activity was caught on a camera which is being used overnight to monitor the different types of animals visiting the site.  By viewing what goes on when no people are around, we hope to learn more about the local wildlife and how we can help them prosper whilst protecting our precious vegetables!

Mid-summer event

Saturday 23rd July saw members along with friends and family attend our summer party. After the blistering heat a few days earlier we were blessed with dry warm weather. Guests were welcomed with a glass of Prosecco, bucks fizz and BBQ’d hot dogs. Marjorie Chalk baked some fairy cakes for dessert.

Highlights of the afternoon were our very own show table. There were three categories, fruit, vegetables, and flowers. We had a wonderful display and some impressive entries. After much deliberation from our guest judges, Jannie Hollins and Phil Matthews chose their winners. They are as follows:

Best vegetables (potatoes) – Jim Harris
Best fruit (red currants) – Jim Makin
Best flowers (sweet peas) – Jim Harris

We also held a scarecrow competition for the children. Adele Curran and Marjorie Watson judged. The fairy was the lucky winner, well done Ellie.

As the afternoon rolled into the evening, everyone sat back and enjoyed the fine weather and good company.

Tattenhall Allotments Association organised this event as a way of saying thank you to members for all the hard efforts this year. Well done everyone!

Thank you to Tattenhall Parish Council

With grant money awarded by Tattenhall Parish Council the allotments have recently been able to purchase two pub style picnic benches for use by its members, children, and the wider village community.

The smart new benches purchased locally from Broxton Gates gives everyone in the village an opportunity to enjoy the peaceful surroundings and simply stunning display of flowers and vegetables during the growing season.

Please come and see what the Tattenhall Allotments has to offer – everyone is welcome.

A warm welcome for Lottie Loo

On Saturday the 12th of March Tattenhall Allotments Association held a grand opening event for their new compostable toilet. 

Named appropriately as ‘Lottie Loo’ was given the royal treatment on the day. Jim Harris (expert grower) and Martin Chalk (Chair) led the proceedings. Jim cut the ribbon with garden shears and said “I feel honoured to be asked by the committee to open the loo”. Martin Chalk commented, “I don’t think I’ve ever toasted a toilet with bubbly before!” A gold plaque marking the occasion was then fixed to Lottie, kindly donated by Mike Foster (Secretary).

The committee provided prosecco, bucks fizz, tea, coffee and fairy cakes for everyone to enjoy.

With generous donations given by members and friends the committee was able to purchase the toilet. Now allowing members young and old to use the facility and not have to worry about leaving the allotments too soon. The loo will also likely prove helpful during future social events.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.

For anyone interested in the local toilet manufacturer, here is a link to their website:


Spooky fun was to be had at the allotments on Saturday 30th October 2021

Events kicked off with a Halloween fancy dress parade and our esteemed judges had a very tough job picking the winning costumes. Earlier in the month children had had the opportunity to purchase pumpkins grown on the allotment and after some spectacular carving they entered them into the best carved pumpkin competition. Again the judges had their work carved out deciding on the winners. The prize winners were thrilled to receive big tubs of sweets. As darkness fell the bonfire was lit and an enjoyable evening was had by all. Along with a licensed bar there were sizzling sausages and burgers grilling on the BBQ, tasty pumpkin soup provided by Jim Makin and baked potatoes cooked to perfection on the bonfire. With full tummies and some hearty cheer a fabulous time was had by all. Many thanks to those on the committee, the judges and other plotters who worked so hard to organise this very enjoyable event.

Apple harvesting, October 2021

On a cold wet October morning a group brave plotters gathered in the allotment orchard to pick the apples and prune the trees. We had a bounty harvest of cooking apples and eaters, left under the communal bench for everyone to enjoy. Jim Makin our Orchard Manager gave expert guidance in the art of fruit tree pruning. An army of volunteers carried the pruned branches away to put on the allotment bonfire, ready for our Halloween event. Afterwards we enjoyed hot drinks and biscuits kindly supplied by Mike Foster our Association Secretary. Looking forward to next year’s harvest we are aiming to hire an apple press to make freshly pressed apple juice. Yum!

Work party, August 2021

On Saturday 28th August a work party was held to cut down all the brambles and trim hedging on the site. Not the pleasantest of maintenance jobs but the stalwart volunteers survived many scratches to limbs and their hard work was rewarded with very tidy boundaries and a substantial bonfire ready for the autumn social event. Other tasks were undertaken too with Martin on the mini digger, turning over, rotating and securing the compost bays and the tool shed having a thorough sort out. After a couple of hours of hard work in the hot sun volunteers partook of very welcome refreshments and had the opportunity to catch up and talk about future plans.