Tattenhall Allotments have welcomed a pair of hedgehogs, a boy and a girl

Tattenhall Allotments have welcomed a pair of hedgehogs, a boy and a girl. They came from the Wirral Hedgehog Hospital who take in injured hedgehogs and restore them to good health before rehoming.

The hedgehogs have been released in the orchard – an environment made secure by a team of Allotment volunteers, overseen by Chalk Contractors who also sponsored, constructed and supplied the materials for their new home. They should have enough food by foraging in the orchard but initially supplementary food is given over a few weeks; allowing them time to settle in their new environment. The supplementary food comprises cat/dog biscuits and tinned food, preferably with jelly, but no fish or milk. Clean water to drink only.

After a few weeks of settling in, a hedgehog escape hole on the perimeter of the orchard will allow the hedgehogs to freely roam about the allotments, hopefully eating all the annoying pests such as slugs and snails. We had a competition to name them. Welcome Pins and Needles to our lovely allotments!