Thank you to Tattenhall Parish Council

With grant money awarded by Tattenhall Parish Council the allotments have recently been able to purchase two pub style picnic benches for use by its members, children, and the wider village community. The smart new benches purchased locally from Broxton Gates gives everyone in the village an opportunity to enjoy the peaceful surroundings and simplyContinue reading “Thank you to Tattenhall Parish Council”

Spooky fun was to be had at the allotments on Saturday 30th October 2021

Events kicked off with a Halloween fancy dress parade and our esteemed judges had a very tough job picking the winning costumes. Earlier in the month children had had the opportunity to purchase pumpkins grown on the allotment and after some spectacular carving they entered them into the best carved pumpkin competition. Again the judgesContinue reading “Spooky fun was to be had at the allotments on Saturday 30th October 2021”